Thursday, January 3, 2013

Difference in Mediums

The game I choose is snake and ladder, which is played as a board game and also as a digital game. Although both medium does not change the rules of the game but it changes and affect the gameplay of the game.

As originally the game is played as a board game which requires dice and also it add a lot more interaction between players, it does also teaches mortality from the art work of the board where the ladder is something good and the snake is a down fall for something bad. The board is trying to covey a message to people that playing the game to learn what the board art work teaches. Though the gameplay will have more interactive but it will also have more waiting time as some players might not be fully attentive when waiting for their turns, which will result in a slower gameplay session.

As for snake and ladder in digital form which firstly reduce the interaction with players as the player will be using a computer to play the game which is playing with an artificial intelligence but surely it will improve in the gameplay session as it will be shorten and the digital form will also have a better gameplay experience for the game as it will add more visual to the player as maybe animation will be added to the game in terms of rolling the die, how the token moves and how the token climb and slide down the snake, which will allow the player to be more visually attracted to the game.

In conclusion, playing the game same in a different medium will result you to have a total different gameplay experience as the interaction will be more or less depending on the medium you play. The medium that I choose have a lesser interaction between the two medium as one is a board game and the other is digital thus this will reduce the interaction between the player to the pieces in the game when playing on the digital as compared to playing the board game. Overall, the gameplay will have a completely different play experience in every medium.

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