Thursday, November 22, 2012

Game Design a form of "Play"

To me game design, in itself is a form of “play”

Game design; which consist of many different roles to create a game. As making the game is a process of play, using the theory of Callios's Taxonomy to elaborate, why I think game design is a form of “play” it have AgÔn, Mimicry and Ilinx and also both Paida and Ludus have in game design as well.

Game design does has AgÔn because it’s a competitive play that different company are creating different game to compete with each other to see whose game is selling better in the game industry.

As for Mimicry it does contribute to making game design a form of “play” is because the game that a game design company, plan to develop on a game is to create for the audience to believe what they are playing and doing in the game also because the game designer will have to let the playtester to role-play as the audience so to find out what is good and bad about the game so they will be able to twitch the game to make it better for the audience.

Ilinx is because game design which will require people to have hands on the programming, drawing, and designer and to create sounds. To a huge extent when developing a character move maybe the artist will need to find someone in the team to do the particular post for the artist to draw the position/ movement/ action so this does have Ilinx in game design.

There are also paida and ludus, paida which is wild and free-form which shows that the game category are widely spread which is does not have only a form but does have more than one form which leads to having many different themes, category and genres. It is also ludus as is it being constraint by rules that such as copyright which only one company will have a game of their own but maybe only that there will be same theme, category or genres but the story and character all are different and have their unique gameplay in each so there is ludus in game design.

To conclude, game design is a form of “play” because play is to push, oppose and resist the rules as much as possible so for game design the designer will have to push the rules in the correct way as it will not be taking the copyrighted material but to think out of the box to create a game that no company or game designer have created before.

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